Friday, September 21, 2012

Prepare the Horses

“The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.”
Proverbs 21:31

7:15 am – Wake up
Make myself get out of bed – remind myself that there is purpose in this season.
7:30 am – Stumble downstairs, get coffee, and settle into the couch to read my Bible/pray
            Try not to stress out over the fact that I don’t have a job to go to.
            Pray. Ask. Seek. Read Proverbs and ask God what to do with my day.
8:00 am – Read EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey or Platform by Michael Hyatt
Encourage myself through continual learning. See how successful people wake up at 5am and work until 6:30pm. Feel bad about waking up at 7am.
9:00 am – Take kickboxing or body power at the gym
Convince myself that strengthening my muscles is a good thing, even though it really hurts and I’m not seeing immediate results. Try to mirror it with my life.
10:30 am – Shower and get ready
Sometimes you wear pearls with sweat pants and straighten your hair even though no one will see you.
11:00 am – Respond to emails and look for houses and jobs
Stress out or get encouraged by the lack of or bountiful amount of homes available. Brainstorm another reason to email the jobs I’ve applied for. Follow up, Re-follow up, send reference letter, thank them, repeat.
12:15 pm – Eat hummus and chips while working
            Try to eat to calm anxious stomach.
2:00 pm – Read blogs, write my own blog, and catch up on social media
            Stay up to date. Write to exercise the creative muscle.
2:30 pm – Make calls for houses, send follow up emails for jobs, ask people to write reference letters
            Introduce. Sell. Thank. Pray.
4:15 pm – Watch a clip of The Office to humor myself
            It’s just necessary.
5:30 pm – Dinner with family or a friend
            Great food with amazing people. Being intentional about this time.
7:30 or 8:00 pm – Go to coffee with someone, watch a movie, or spend quality time with people I care about.
            By this time I am calm and collected. I am re-centered, and ready for a new day.





I prepare the horses, but Jesus brings the victory.

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