Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Promise Kept

You know when people make really general, open-ended statements that are just empty promises that they really have no ability to control or make come true? Like someday you will meet a man who will pursue you well, or someday your dream job will fall in your lap, or someday you will get to see the world. I’m not saying these aren’t good things to aspire to or hope for, but most of the time, when it really comes down to it, the people telling you these things are just trying to rub your back and make you feel better. Sometimes these remarks help you get a little pep in your step, and sometimes they make you squint your eyes and give them a closed-lip smile while you are thinking, “Thank you, but I would really just prefer that you keep your ‘feel better’ comments to yourself.” Anybody jiving with this, or do these people only exist in the South?

While transitioning from the World Race to the “real world,” (is there really a difference?) I heard these statements quite often. And from people I respected. It’s always to good to hear them from family, good friends, and even professionals, but it doesn’t really make the transition easier when you are sitting in the waiting room waiting for your test results to be read to you. Did I pass? Am I good enough for the next round? Are all of these things that people are speaking over my life really going to come true?  Well, they could be. God could be using them to speak truth into your life without you even knowing it, or they could just be blowing smoke. That is up to YOU to discern.

A couple of blogs back, I wrote about God waking me up and revealing to me that what I had planned for my life after the race was, in fact, not what he had in store. His plan was a lot less organized and involved the ‘trust as you go theory.’ I knew a location and I knew a field of work. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was calling me back to Atlanta, and he wanted me to get involved with the anti-human trafficking movement. I got a good amount of fun stares when asked what my plans were and I stated, “I’d like to get involved with the anti-human trafficking movement.” Most replys were, “Oh, so you know someone who can get you a job?” or “Oh, you already have a relationship with a non-profit downtown?” And to which I would promptly reply, “No, no I don’t have either of those things. I just have a promise from the Lord that He is going to provide, a destination city, and a movement that I believe in.” And for some very sad, strange reason, some people didn’t like the fact that I just had a promise from God. They wanted facts. I’m back in America and I can no longer take a break, or take one moment out of my life to sit and pray and let God give me HIS abundance over my own. But those are just the things that I did, and goodness gracious me (ten points if you recognize that quote!) did he show up!

About two weeks ago, a good friend of mine mentioned that she saw an event on Facebook (of all places) at a church in downtown Atlanta. The event was an awareness service about human trafficking in the Atlanta area, and 3 or 4 organizations would be represented at this service. One organization in particular, Wellspring Living, looked very intriguing to me. After the service, I meandered over to their booth and started poking around at their brochures. A professionally dressed woman with salt and pepper-colored hair down to her shoulders looked over at me and smiled. I walked over to her and started asking her questions about the organization and the issue at hand. I slipped in the question, “Do you happen to be hiring?” As soon as I asked, her eyes lit up. She tapped her upper lip with her long forefinger, cocked her eyebrow, and slowly asked, “What is your back ground?” I told her media and public relations, and as soon as I said that, she started talking about the organization’s need for PR and a stronger media presence. I couldn’t help but contain my excitement, so I got her business card, and e-mailed her my resume that night. Over the next week, we talked back and forth, interviewed, and negotiated. And I am here to tell you that I have a job. I HAVE A JOB! I am officially the Communications Coordinator for Wellspring Living. My job entails administration for the president, media networking, and PR. Admin, Media, and PR. For an organization that I 100% believe in. They are on the rehabilitation side of human trafficking, working and counseling the girls and giving them hope for the future.

I wanted to write this blog to say to you all that God provides. If God has promised you something great in your life, He will come through with it. I am standing here as the girl who just posted a blog about standing in the chasm of transition, now looking back and smiling because God has brought her into the next season. He promised me something very specific, and he delivered. He not only delivered, He dropped it straight onto my lap. So if God is speaking those promises from the first paragraph, He can be trusted. He is good for it, and the promise will be met on His end. Guaranteed. 

1 comment:

  1. Love how He is providing everything for you! We had some WR teams work with them this spring and they loved it! We will come see you in the city some time. Loves!
