Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Favorite Quote

"There will come a day, perhaps years later, when you suddenly see what it meant. If one could understand it now, it could only do one harm."
-C.S. Lewis

Have you ever been watching a really intense thriller and someone walks in, recognizes the movie, and blurts out the ending? You’re in your living room, the lights are off, and you are methodically putting one cornel of popcorn in your mouth at a time, and the mood is totally smashed by Johnny Talks-a-lot. It doesn’t take long for the offender to realize his wrong and slowly back out of the room, shamefully.

As a person who loves suspense and relishes in surprises, the resident ‘bubble-burster’ would have had an earful of “what were you thinking?s” and “you just ruined the BEST part!s” from yours truly.

In all honesty, I think I would do the same thing is someone from the future came and announced my ‘end of story.’ As much as I want to know where I’ll end up, I have to agree with Lewis when he states that ‘it could only do one harm.’ Plus I can’t help but envision him sitting at his monthly Inklings meeting at the Eagle and Child pub discussing such matters with other academic greats. This strangely gives him even more credible proof that he knows what he is talking about (to me at least). 

What do you think? Do you think that knowing the outcome of your life would help you or do you harm? 

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